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Asthma Severity Classification

A patient's asthma severity should be evaluated during every hospitalization. To determine which category they fall under, evaluate their asthma control over the past 4 weeks and use the table below to assign their asthma severity.  Whichever column their worst symptoms fall under determines their severity.

Asthma Severity.png
Asthma Control Assessment.png


Asthma severity should be documented in the H&P for every patient admitted with asthma. The dotphrase ".asthmaseverity" imports the asthma severity questionnaire into your H&P​ for easy access.

What is the patient's current asthma management? 

Are they compliant with their current asthma controllers? (using a spacer, twice per day every day) 

How often does the patient experience daytime symptoms? 

How often does the patient experience nighttime symptoms? 

How often does the patient use albuterol? 

How significant is the limitation on normal activity? 

How many exacerbations has the patient had requiring oral corticosteroids in the past year? 


This patient's asthma is classified as ***

For questions and feedback, please email
Created by Sapna K Shah
Last Updated: 3/12/2024

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